Minggu, 14 Februari 2016

Dynasty Warrior 5 : Cao Cao Tips&Trick and Walkthrough (English)



To unlock Cao Cao, beat four Wei characters' musou modes. That's it.



Cao Cao is one of the best sword users in the game, IMO. His attacks are fast,
the power he has while doing them is impressive, and his charge attacks are
very useful. He is not a Lu Bu or a Zhou Tai, but he can clear crowds and kill
generals just fine. He also has the distinct trait of having the coolest-
looking sword in the game.


Cao Cao is an all-around fighter, as his moveset shows.

S=square, T=triangle

SSSSSS-Slashes that go left and right in front of him. Not very exciting or
       groundbreaking, but it gets the job done and with power to spare.
T-DW4 T-beams, be they singer lasers, magic bolts, or flying elemental things,
  have changed for the better. Cao Cao now shoots a fire orb out of his sword,
  which explodes after a while like Zhen Ji's.
ST-Just a charged slash upward. Don't mess around with it much.
SST-Cao Cao does up to seven slashes, left and right alternating, that end with
    a stun and element. Cao Cao moves foward in a zig-zag motion.
SSST-Cao Cao does a quick slash to the right that covers about 180. Knockback
     and element
SSSST-Slams the ground, creating a cool-looking purple cloud and launching
      enemies into the air.
SSSSST-After charging up a second, Cao Cao does five slashes foward. Element on
       each slash, and also they enemies stay put so you can freeze or burn
Jump S-A downward right to left slash
Jump T-Two charged slashes, then he rises and fires a wind blade.
Circle-Musou: He does a slash, then a counterclockwise spin and an upward
       slash, and continues this, ending with a big horizontal slash.
Circle in red health-True Musou: Musou with fire element and a large area
       shockwave at the end.

Horse moves

S-Alternating left and right slashes
T-More powerful left and right slashes
C-Even more powerful left and right slashes

Cao Cao really is meant to be a ground fighter.


Weights and bonuses for the first three weapons are random. Bonuses refer to
the extra stat gains that are put on weapons. To get higher bonuses, play a
harder difficulty.

Broad Sword
Power: 3
Attacks: 4

General's Sword
Power: 7
Attacks: 5

Sword of Heaven
Power: 11
Attacks: 6 or 9 if evo capable

Wrath of Heaven
Power: 34
Attacks: 9
Weight: Average
Bonuses: Charge Attack Lvl 17
         Bow Lvl 15
         Life Lvl 17
         Mounted Lvl 17
         Attack Lvl 17

Getting the Wrath of Heaven

Battle of Xia Pi-Hard Difficulty
     1) Kill Gao Shun before he reinforces the floodgate too much
     2) Kill Zhang Liao

It's that easy. Equip a Red Hare and run around the northern lake clockwise to
Gao Shun and kill him, then run over to Zhang Liao and kill HIM. Now get the
weapon and kill Lu Bu.



Cao Cao has eight stages, along with Sun Jian and Liu Bei, and Zuo Ci. They

Yellow Turban Rebelion
Battle of Hu Lao Gate
Battle of Xia Pi
Battle of Guan Du
Escape From Chi Bi
Battle of He Fei
Battle of Wu Zhang Plains
Battle of He Fei Castle


If you need help with this level, you must be mentally defishant. Just run
through all the enemy generals. Kill Zhang Liang to stop the tornado, Zhang Bao
to stop the rocks, and Pei Yuan Shao to stop the revolt of Sun Jian's troops.
Once you enter Zhang Jiao's main base, the phantom army will appear. Destroy
the four torches at the corners of the altar in the middle of the base to stop
them, then beat up Zhang Jiao.


You will start out alone. Take advantage of this to pound on every general and
subgeneral that isn't near Hu Lao Gate. You now have two choices. Either go
through Hu Lao Gate or around it. Of course, Lu Bu is guarding the gate, and
will easily kill any untrained Cao Cao before he even activates a Musou Rage
and an Attack x2 at the same time, which he does. Sneak around the north on
Zhang Liao's path, then kill Dong Zhuo. When Dong Zhuo gets in low health, kill
him fast, because he'll summon Lu Bu to protect him, and ideally you don't want
that to happen.


Firstly, let's get one thing straight. Suceed in the water attack. I'm not
advising, I'm requesting. You lose if the main camp falls. If you fail in the
water attack (meaning you ignore Gao Shun until Yuan Shu shows up) then about
four reinforcement generals will show up and Lu Bu's guys morale will rise so
fast all your generals will die faster than you can imagine. Just succeed in
the water attack by killing Gao Shun, If you do, about four of Lu Bu's generals
will surrender. Convenient, eh? You don't even have to worry about killing Lu
Bu, as if you fight him for a while, he will run away, only to be captured and
to have the level end in your favor. Easy, yeah?


Once again, you can't ignore objectives in this battle. Repel attacks on Bai Ma
and Ma Jin. Also keep an eye on Cao Pi, he is right next to Guan Du, and Yuan
Xi and Zhen Ji will kill him pretty quick. Once Wu Chao opens, kill Lu Wei
Kuang, and you won't have to worry about anything anymore. Just have fun
killing lots of generals, then Yuan Shao. Also, if at any time Guan Yu meets
Liu Bei's troops, he will pull back so far he will be useless. If you kill Liu
Bei before this, then Guan Yu will withdraw.


After a whole lot of conditional defeats (main camps, castles) you can have fun
with this one. Kill lots of officers, the stage doesn't end no matter how many
of your dudes die, so just have fun with it. You can take it easy.


Just to be clear, this is the one with all the islands, not the one with the
monster castle. Okay, back to conditional defeat. No dead main camp for you,
mister. Make sure to neutralize Taishi Ci and Lu Meng quickly, as they tear
through your bases. After that, you can focus on the center. Beware, though,
Gan Ning ambushes in super demon mode up north, right next to your fledgling
castle. Deal with him, he is probably the toughest part of the level.


First things first, take out enemy subgenerals and generals as they attack your
bases and officers and stuff. If you let too many generals get too far in, Sima
Yi will get angry and charge out. But your the leader, so who cares? When you
get a pause in the action, take out the supply line as soon as possible. The
supply line is on the bottom east path. It will be a stronghold with a Defence
Captain in front of it. Then get back to your army. Soon Zhong Hui and Deng Ai
will show up with your catapults, but Zhuge will spring an ambush. Help Zhong
Hui (just follow him until he's in position) and then just keep smashing
officers. When you kill three, Zhuge will die, leaving Jiang Wei in command.
He will summon Arballests at the center hill though. Kill them and advance your
army. It is wise to kill Yue Ying before engaging Jiang Wei, as she will be
all, like, maternal and rush to protect him with ALL of her Tiger Tanks.


Finally, nothing to worry about. You and you alone are the leader, so wail on
all officers. Lu Xun will call up reinforcements in form of the Wu navy of two
officers to the east, then he will call up another reinforcement officer to
the west. Kill everything. It would probably be beneficial to kill the rams,
but then again, you don't have to. Be careful when you fight Sun Quan though,
he goes into Attack x2 and Musou Rage as his health gets lower.

Now you can watch Cao Cao's ending. Pretty impressive stuff, huh? Oh really Cao
Cao, it's only necessary SOMETIMES to have peace?



Cao Cao can use his charge attacks for combos. Here you go.


    This will maximize combo hits, and this combo string can concievably be
    continued infinitely. Best used on a dead general. Time it so they will be
    almost dead when stunned, then will die on the first few hits of the first


    This is a good way to make use of your element. Use with a fire or an ice
    orb for best effect.


    This is good in a crowd. The first combo keeps them on the ground long
    enough to put out a fire orb. This is also a good way to get behind a
    general that blocks too much, as the orb has stun effect.


    Good for a fire orb, this will prolong its burning effect for very long.
    Use this on demon generals for best results.

Sabtu, 13 Februari 2016

Dynasty Warrior 5 : Cao Cao Tips&Trick and Walkthrough (Indonesia)


1.Cara mendapatkan
Untuk mendapatkan Cao Cao, kalahkan 4 karakter wei' dalam mode musou


2.Alasan menggunakan Cao Cao
Menurut pendapat saya Cao Cao adalah pengguna pedang terbaik dalam game. Serangannya cepat dan kuat, serangan chargenya juga sangat berguna. Dia bukan Lu Bu maupun Zhou Tai,tapi dia bisa membunuh banyak orang dengan baik. Dia juga memiliki pedang terkeren dalam game


3.Set gerakan
[]=Kotak A=segitiga O=bulet X=Silang

-[] [] [] [] [] []
-[] A
-[] [] A
-[] [] [] A
-[] [] [] [] A
-[] [] [] [] [] A
-Lompat []
-Lompat A
-O saat darah merah (True Musou)

Gerakan saat menunggang kuda


NB:Karakter Cao Cao dibuat untuk bertarung di daratan


Berat dan bonus untuk 3 senjata pertama random. Bonus ditunjuk berdasarkan status extra yang dimasukan ke senjata. Untuk mendapatkan bonus yang lebih tinggi, mainkan difficulty yang lebih sulit

-Broad sword
  -PWR: 3
  -ATK: 4

-General's sword
  -PWR: 7
  -ATK: 5

-Sword of Heaven
  -PWR: 11
  -ATK: 6/9(Bila bisa berevolusi)

-Wrath of Heaven
  -PWR: 34
  -ATK: 9
  -Weight: Average
  -Bonus: Charge atk lvl 17
 Bow lvl 15
 Life lvl 17
 Mounted lvl 17
 Attach lvl 17

Cara mendapatkan wrath of heaven
  -Menangkan Battle of Xiapi dalam hard mode dengan kondisi:
1.Bunuh Gao Shun sebelum terlalu banyak bantuan datang
2.Bunuh Zhang Liao

  Tips&Trik:Gunakan Red Hare sebagai mount,pergi ke danau bagian utara mengikuti arah jarum jam ke arah Gao Shun dan bunuh dia, Lalu pergi ke Zhang Liao dan bunuh dia. Ambil senjatanya dan bunuh Lu Bu


5.Walkthrough Story
Cao Cao memiliki 8 stage,mereka adalah:
  -Yellow turban rebelion
  -Battle of Hu Lao Gate
  -Battle of Xia Pi
  -Battle of Guan Du
  -Escape From Chi Bi
  -Battle of He Fei
  -Battle of Wu Zhang Plains
  -Battle of He Fei Castle


-Yellow Turban Rebelion
  Lari melewati semua jendral musuh. Bunuh Zhang Liang untuk menghentikan tornado, Zhang Bao untuk menghentikan batu, dan Pei Yuan Shao untuk menghentikan pemberontakan dari prajurit Sun Jian. Setelah kamu memasuki base utama Zhang Jiao, pasukan bayangan akan muncul, hancurkan keempat obor pada 4 ujung altar untuk menghentikan mereka, lalu kalahkan Zhang Jiao.

-Battle of Hu Lao Gate
  Kamu akan memulainya  sendirian. Ambil keuntungan ini untuk membunuh semua jendral dan sub jendral yang jauh dari gerbang Hu Lao. Kamu punya pilihan. Jalan lewat gerbang Hu Lao atau memutarinya. Tentu saja, Lu Bu menjaga gerbangnya, dia akan membunuhmu dengan mudah jika Cao Cao mu belum terlatih. Diam-diam lewat bagian utara, lewat jalan yang dilalui Zhang Liao, lalu bunuh Dong Zhuo, ketika darah Dong Zhuo sudah menipis, bunuh dia secepatnya, karena dia akan memanggil Lu Bu utuk melindunginya

-Battle of Xia Pi
  Dalam stage ini kamu harus sukses dalam penyerangan di air. karena jika camp utama kamu hancur kamu akan kalah. Jika kamu gagal dalam penyerangan di air berarti kamu meninggalkan Gao Shun sampai Yuan Shu muncul. Setelah itu 4 unit bantuan musuh akan muncul dan moral pasukan Lu Bu akan meningkat dengan pesat, dan banyak jendral anda yang akan mati sangat cepat. Karena itu jangan sampai gagal di penyerangan di air. Jika kamu sudah membunuh Gao Shun di penyerangan di air, 4 unit bantuan Lu Bu akan menyerah. Tidak usah repot-repot untuk membunuh Lu Bu,Kamu hanya akan melawannya untuk sebentar, dia akan kabur lalu ditangkap, setelah itu levelnya akan setara dengan kamu

-Battle of Guan Du
  seperti sebelumnya, kamu tidak bisa mengabaikan misi utama dalam stage ini. Jangan biarkan Bai Ma dan Ma Jin terbunuh. Setelah Wu Chao terbukan, bunuh Lu Wei Kuang, dan kamu tidak perlu mengkhawatirkan apapun lagi. Bersenang-senanglah dengan membunuh para jendral musuh, lalu Yuan Shao. Jika Guan Yu bertemu dengan pasukan Liu Bei, dia akan mundur dan menjadi tidak berguna. Namun jika kamu membunuh Liu Bei seblum bertemu dengan Guan Yu, Guan Yu hanya akan mundur dari pertempuran.

-Escape from Chi Bi
  Stage ini tidak memerlukan walkthrough,kamu hanya perlu membunuh para jendral musuh

-Battle of He Fei
  Kamu harus mengalahkan Taishi Ci dan Lu Meng, disaat mereka masuk ke base kamu, setelah itu kamu bisa fokus ke bagian tengah, tapi kamu harus berhati-hati, Gan Ning akan memberikan serangan kejutan dibagian utara, dia akan menjadi bagian tersulit dalam stage ini.

-Battle of Wu Zhang Plains
  Pertama-tama, bunuhlah para jendral dan sub-jendral disaat mereka menyerang base kamu. Jika kamu membiarkan banyak jendral masuk, Sima Yi akan marah dan maju ke medan pertempuran. Base terpenting yang harus kamu hancurkan adalah base yang ada di timur sebelah bawah, setelah itu kembalilah ke basemu. Setelah itu Zhong Hui dan Deng Ai akan muncul bersamaan dengan katapelmu, tapi Zhuge Liang akan muncul dengan serangan kejutannya.Bantu Zhong Hui sambil membunuh para jendral musuh. Ketika kamu membunuh 3 jendral, Zhuge akan mati dan meninggalkan Jiang Wei untuk memimpin.

-Battle of He Fei Castle
  Karena dalam stage ini kamu adalah satu-satunya orang yang tidak boleh mati, jadi silahkan bersenang senang dengan membunuh para jendral musuh.Lu Xun akan memanggil bala bantuan dari timur, Lalu dia akan memanggil bantuan jendral dari barat, bunuh semuanya. Berhati-hati ketika kamu melawan Sun Quan, ketika darahnya menipis, serangannya akan 2x lebih sakit dan dia akan masuk dalam mode Musou Rage


6. Kombo

  -[] [] A A A A A - stun - [] [] [] [] A - [] [] [] [] A - [] [] [] [] A.....

  -[] [] A - stun - [] [] [] [] [] A A A A A

  -[] [] [] [] A - A

  -[] [] [] [] A - [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] - [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] - [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []